Friday, April 11, 2008

Thao: Another Female that I forgot...

Sometime before Christmas I stumbled upon Thao Nguyen. She alledges that she learned guitar by hanging around at her parent's laundry mat, and screwing around on the guitar. If only laundry mats could inspire such beauty and whimsy in everyone. Alas, it doesn't, but we should continue to appreciate hers, and her back up band, The Get Down Stay Down. I personally hate that name, but whatever, its not important. Her album, We Brave Bee Stings and All is sweet and jouvenile, but in the most refined way. Her delicate strums and breathy finishes translate into percussive sounding "Beat" and in the more emotional sounding "Chivalry".

She plays Terminal 5 with Rilo Kiley (unfortunate, I know) on June 2nd and 3rd.

Her Album, We Brave bee Stings and All is out on Kill Rock Stars (read: Elliot Smith, Decemberists, DeerHoof, Xiu Xiu...yeah, pretty weak)

Beat (Health, Life, Fire)

<3 The Elephant

1 comment:

Bhargav said...

Was that internet sarcasm about 'Kill rock stars'? i cant tell but hope so...