Sunday, March 16, 2008

Some bands that have potential...

~Wye Oak (formerly called Monarch)
Listen to : I don't Feel Young and Obituary
Album Out: If Children is out 4/8 on Merge

This duo from Baltimore was just posted in a cute video on stereogum, and they featured them when they were called Monarch as well. SG is just dead on. These guys have a lot commercial potential (which might cause them to shiver, but, y'know what? maybe now Jenn Waster can quit her job at a restaurant)

~New Buffalo
Liaten to: Recovery and City and Sea
Album Out: Somewhere Anywhere (second album) 2007 Arts& Crafts

Australian beauty Sally Seltmann caught my attention when I heard that she wrote "1234", the famed Feist song. I have never been dearly in love with Feist, and finding that she didn't write "1234" irritated me. I know that happens all the time, but I think Seltmann's voice is equally lyrical. Give the girl some cred!

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