As I have mentioned, I was never a huge Sigur Ros fan, I just never quite got it. I also did the same thing with Radiohead, it took me until In Rainbows to catch on. I know that this is embarrassing, so lets move away from this point. I heard Gobbledigook first on Stereogum, and was instantly enamored.
"With a buzz in our ears we play endlessly" is a perfect title for this album. Every beat, every second, every chord leads to emotional swells, cooing, and chiming. My initial reaction to this album was that it felt like a soundtrack. For me at least, a good soundtrack stands alone, telling a story through the drudging of feelings and expressions. Although that is the goal of most albums, I think with soundtracks the emotions are stronger because of the concrete narration. This album doesn't need the storyline. It tells us a tale much more powerfully than a simple soundtrack. I find myself soaringly at peace with this album. As it rolls forth, unfolding is magical streams of sound I have that happy little warmth in my chest that a really good album brings out. I forget sometimes what thats like, as I have only experienced it handful of times. The orchestration is especially laudable because it is done seamlessly with the choral layering. Some highlights (outside of Gobbledigook) include the second track Inni mer syngur vitleysingur, Su i eryum and Festival. These are all dynamic and heart wrenching in their own way. Needless to say, I am not describing the full body experience that you will get from lying in your bed listening to this album, cover to cover, so to speak. No interruptions, just absorbing the subtleties of organs and voices. Please buy this album, and enjoy every rich morsel of it.
Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust is out 6/24 in North America 6/24 via XL.
<3 The Elephant
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