Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hallelujah Chicken Run Band, where have you been all of my life?

Typically I am on here gushing about some new ohmyfuckingod they are sohotamazingtalentedbrooklyn band. But for once, I found something that isn't from bk, and didn't get signed because of scruffy beards. These are people who have a cause, who are passionate about something. Somehow they really speak to me, in the most beautifully, dancing and upbeat way. We all need a little bit of upbeat in our lives, no? Read this very interesting article. And thanks to Ctang for the tip.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Shugi Tokumaru on MTV

Well kids, it has been over a month since my last post. I am sort of between a rock and a hard place these days. I am trying to update my books so I can be prepared for an inevitable and impending job hunt, but also working like a dog at my current post designing women's clothing. Needless to say, that leaves me with very little time to engage in non-fashion pursuits. D reminded me that I have totally falen off the wagon with my writing recently. Thanks man.

So just briefly, remember that I had a little stint of being obsessed with that Japanese pop artist Shugi Tokumaru? Hes on MTV Iggy (w.e.t.f that is) and you can watch him here. He is so cute.
<3 The Elephant

Via Stereogum