Well, it has been about a month since I last wrote anything for you all to enjoy (ha!). My awesome new friend N posted a link on my facebook wall to a stream of the new Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson album. I'm telling you folks, I think he's going to be something. I haven't listened to it fully yet, but I am sure that I will write a review of this one for you. Maybe around thanksgiving at the rate that I seem to be writing these days.
On that note, I'm going to throw in a few other things here, since I've been meaning to write about them for weeks, and I haven't...because I'm busy. And reading a really good book. And not going to many shows lately. Enough excuses, I hate excuses. So here are some new bands to check out. Well, I mean new to me in no particular order:
-The xx
-Woods (maybe... haven't listened enough yet)
-Florence and the Machine (and the awesome xx remix of florence)
-The Antlers
-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
-Fool's Gold (which I think is a Luke Top band, who has some pretty cool solo stuff these days too)
-Foreign Born (also some members of Fool's Gold I think?)
-Horse Feathers
-Jack Penante
Did I tell you I saw Cymbals Eat Guitars? Maybe I did, in my last post? It was a while ago, so I can't remember, but they were killer. Seriously, they don't suffer from "new band, bad performance" syndrome. There's nothing wrong with a healthy case of NBBPS, Bon Iver was awful the first time I saw him, so hey, lets not be judgey.
Other thoughts: The newest Regina Spektor, which came out over the summer is incredible. Seriously, pitchfork gave it a 4, but they're asshats, so don't take anything they say for real. They criticized how cute and sweet the album is, but its Regina...thats partly who she is, and if you listen to it and all you get out of the whole thing are cute and sweet, then you didn't listen carefully enough to her words. She's pretty damn insightful. I guess they have higher standards for her than they do everyone else. Not cool folks, not cool at all.
Speaking of pitchfork, you should check out their top 200 albums of the last decade (which is also stupid, because it has nothing to do with the album rankings in each year...it seems to take into account how well the album aged. Music ages in very personal ways.) Anyway, I like the Stereogum summation and comments as always!
Anyway, I wanted to put myspace links up for each band, but i'm lazy. Talkto you soon!
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