I think I've said enough about the Dodos to skim over them in describing tonight's show's. I'm going to cut right to Au (get it? like the periodic symbol for gold!). I'm interested to see them tonight, as most experimental music is hard to really understand until you see it live. I'm not even sure what instruments they use, or how they could possibly create so many sounds with only 5 people.
The west coast has been sort of kicking ass this year in terms of releases. Fans of Animal Collective and other experimental outlets will be impressed by the circus-y, jazz influenced sounds of Au's Verbs. The whole album feels like one epic track, beginning with a crazy choral ensemble, slowly whittling down the sounds to a discordant mist in the album's final track "Sleep". This is not an album for listeners yearning for catchy, easy listening, however it will impress those yearning for something one step beyond indie pop.
Anyone else joining us tonight?
<3 The Elephant
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