So I was looking at what has been released this year, and it is already going strong. Here is a list of the 5 most notable albums so far this year, in no particular order (except the first one):
*Sigur Ros-með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust
Do I need to comment on this? I could listen to this album in pretty much any mood. Feeling down? Listen to Sigur. Elated? Listen to Sigur. Seriously, tremendous job guys. I would be proud to be your mom.
*Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson-S/T
What would you do if you were a drug addict and homeless? Write some damn cheeky lyrics, thats what! Additionally, you might somewhat get your shit together, and record and release an awesome album.
*Fleet Foxes-Everything They have Released this Year-
I had some pretty strong feelings about these guys when I first wrote about them back in March. Then I saw them live. I have a whole new set of respect for them now.
*The Dodos-Visiter
I am a person who tends to looooove the first album I hear by an artist. Usually I don't like the second album as much. Not the case here. Superb sophomore effort.
*Hercules and Love Affair-S/T
Love all things 70's. Cannot wait to go dance it out with these guys on friday night (I am hoping that all of the cool kids and bros alike will be at APW, and that this will be a seriously excited croud).
Some other albums that are noteworthy, but probably won't make my top ten of 2008 list:
-Cut Copy
-Crystal Castles
-Basia Bulat
-Cave Singers
<3 The Elephant
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