Friday, April 17, 2009

Emanuel and the Fear

I'm going to Crash Mansion tonight to check these guys out. They are an 11 piece band, thats sort of Ben Folds Five with an orchestra-y? I'm not really sure what to expect, but its free, and honestly, as much as I LOVE Veckatimest, I think I need some freshness on the music front. I'll let you kids know what I think. Meanwhile, take a listen. It might be a little too mainstream and safe ultimately for my taste, but sometimes I just want easy music, okay?

P.S. Has anyone ever been to Crash Mansion for anything, ever? I saw it in Nick and Nora's Infinit Playlist but otherwise I have never had any reason to be there.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the band's performance. Don't forget to RSVP so you get in for free. Open bar 9 - 10pm.