There are always some great debates at the end of the year about who deserves to be on the "Best Of" lists that every magazine and blog posts. I am sure it is quite an honor to be on any of the lists, but there were a couple of conspicuously missing artists who I didn't see much on any of the lists. Perhaps I have bad taste (which I HIGHLY doubt, but can't rule out) or perhaps, people are putting too much weight in commercial popularity? Honestly, who knows.
Albums that didn't get enough credit from the lists:
- Sigur Ros - með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust
- Department of Eagles - In Ear Park
- Noah and the Whale - Peaceful the World Lays Me Down
- Land of Talk - Some Are Lakes
- Passion Pit- Chunk of Change
- The Dodos - Visiter
- Basia Bulat - Oh, My Darling
- Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson - Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson
Other Albums that I loved and everyone else did too:
- TV on the Radio - Dear Science
- Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours
- Hercules & Love Affair - Hercules & Love Affair
- Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
- Kanye West - 808s and Heartbreak
- Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
- Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles
- Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago (wasn't this a 2007?)
- Chairlift - Does You Inspire You?
Albums that I don't like but everyone else does:
- Fuck Buttons
- Fucked Up
- Marnie Stern
- Crystal Stilts
- Pony Tail
So there you go, a summation of albums that are worth listening to from 2008. Stereogum posted a nice little list of albums they are looking forward to in 2009 that you can check out here.
<3 The Elephant
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A Return!

Hi Bloggies!!
I missed you! Work got a little bit out of hand for a while there and I couldn't write. Fear not though, because while work sucks, my music listening time really gets maximized. I just wanted to direct you to the cover of Under the Radar Magazine this month. I <3 it....I have been supporters of Vampire Weekend (even as the critics get bitchy about their success), The Dodos and Fleet Foxes for what feels like a long time. The first time I saw Vampire Weekend was at Unoin Hall in April '07, I was in awe. They deserve every ounce of credit they have received. As for Fleet Foxes....I was a little behind on picking them up. I had Ragged Wood, which came from a friend, but it wasn't until Sun Giant that I really got into them. Ironically, the first time I saw them was at Union Hall also (I love that place!!!). They were fucken incredible. We were all blown away. The Dodos remain to be the just about the best live band I have ever seen, they have energy, skill and presence. I saw them at Union Pool in January 08, and loved them so much I started a blog about music. So there you go. Go buy Unde the Radar.
More musing on music in oh eight to come!!!
<3 The Elephant
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